Internationale Body for Six Sigma Practitionaire

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  • The Internationale Body for Six Sigma Practitionaire( provides unbiased evidence that an institute/business operates at the highest level of ethical, legal and technical standards. is a non-profit, public-benefit entity that has been providing accreditation services.
  • accredits a wide range of companies and organizations including governmental entities, commercial businesses, and professional associations.
  • IBSSP accreditation programs are based on acknowledged international standards that ensure global acceptance of its accreditations. International Identifications

  • It is a not a subsidiary or entity owned by any individual and is a council group with professional associations across the world.
  • As one of the leading accreditation bodies across the world, IBSSP is widely recognized for evaluating and recognizing competent bodies to deliver Six Sigma practice worldwide.
  • These bodies adhere to a common set of criteria and undergo periodic onsite evaluation to determine on-going compliance of implementation of high quality standards prescribed and advocated by
  • Being an “Accredited Training Provider” means that the body has been evaluated at its offices, a sampling of the assessments of its practices have been witnessed by peer experts, and that it has been found to comply with international identified requirements.